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学者 / 科技与卫生学院 / 计算机科学-无人飞机系统(UAS)


无人机系统(UAS)领域, 通常被称为无人机, 正在迅速扩张, with drone technology becoming central to the functions of various commercial industries, 企业和政府机构. 在回应, Tiffin University’s 理学学士 in unmanned aircraft systems program, 作为该大学尖端无人机学院的一部分, 在为学生提供最新知识方面处于领先地位吗, technical abilities and specialized training needed to thrive in this fast-growing, 动态字段.

无人驾驶飞机系统, 或无人机, 以各种方式被利用, 来自执法部门, 农业和运输到测量, 风暴追踪和新闻报道——仅举几例. And with drone-related technology continuing to grow as the technology continues to advance, 熟练的无人机驾驶员, 开发商和建筑商的需求量很大.

培养这个新兴行业的未来领导者, 博彩平台推荐建立了一个无人机学院, 在商学院的指导下, 容纳了大学的B.S. 无人机系统(UAS)计划. 在这个前沿项目中, 你会对…有更深的了解, 以及对, 无人机技术. You’ll explore various UAS platforms and master the concepts of programming for UAS technologies. And you’ll enhance your credentials to pursue jobs in an industry that will only expand in years to come.

在该领域得到广泛认可, 博彩平台推荐无人机学院已经成为一个学习的地方, research and achievement for the advancement of UAS – and an invaluable resource for our UAS program and students. The Drone Academy has been designated to participate in the Unmanned 飞机系统 Collegiate Training Initiative by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), 允许学院和大学与联邦航空局合作, 目的是为从事航空事业的学生提供帮助. 通过指定, students will also have the opportunity to partner with industry professionals, 当地政府官员, 执法部门和其他组织的成员.

通过学院, students can join the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) through the Tiffin University AMA University Model Aviation Student (UMASC) Chapter. 这一机会提供了广泛的资源, 奖学金, 为UAS学生提供助学金和保险.

随着无人机技术的进步, the FAA is granting more companies waivers to fly in the airspace for specific purposes. This has allowed companies to start growing exponentially in the drone arena. 因此,在这个令人兴奋的、不断发展的领域,等待着巨大的机会. And for the well-prepared Tiffin University UAS graduate, the sky is the limit.

在你们的无人机系统(UAS)项目中, you’ll learn from instructors who bring years of experience in the field. From leadership in the Drone Academy; to years of designing, building and flying drones; to owning and running a drone services and training business; to actively serving on the Sandusky County Emergency Management Agency Drone Response Team; our UAS Flight Instructors are real-world experts within their field.

我们的教师有了真实世界的经验,就有了真实世界的教育. 您将获得无人机系统的实用基础知识, 向活跃的专家从业者学习, you’ll continue to build on your knowledge as the technology continues to change and grow.

向经验丰富的无人机专家学习, you’ll acquire the in-depth knowledge and professional skills you’ll need to:

  • 参加107部分FAA远程飞行员考试.
  • 将无人机系统的基本操作技能应用到项目设计中.
  • 运用基本的计算机科学和工程技能.
  • 了解航空飞行实践和物理方面的知识.
  • 了解不同无人机制造商的飞行系统.
  • 代码和程序.
  • 运用空间和抽象规划.
  • 辨别无人驾驶飞机系统的伦理问题.

Active learning is an integral part of Tiffin University’s unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) program. The degree program provides the opportunity to learn 亲自动手的 with drone flights in class and assistance on passing your Part 107 Remote Pilot License by the FFA. You’ll also gain knowledge in python programming as well as advanced UAS flight platforms. And, you’ll be taught taught the basics of videography and photography using drones.

除了, the Drone Academy promotes safe flying on campus and issues flying permits on campus to students who have met the criteria to fly safely. 也, 与体育部合作, 学院成立了俱乐部无人机赛车队, 学生可以参与其中.

在无人机系统项目中, 在课堂上,你会边做边学, 无论是在现场还是在社区, 包括:

  • 无人机学院经验
  • 飞行实践
  • 动手实验室/编码
  • 真实世界的学习与认证远程飞行员
  • 测绘/测量当地财产,例如绘制安全路线
  • Working with local public safety agencies to continue to develop and research the technology
  • Engaging in public outreach to educate the community about flying safely and the possibilities of the technology
  • 社区飞行日,教与会者无人机操作的基础知识
  • 社区参与,例如拍摄活动和体育活动



MKT151入门营销- 3小时

CST155操作系统入门- 3小时

财务会计- 3小时

MGT201组织管理- 3小时

CST201编程入门- 3小时

网络法律和道德- 3小时

微观经济学原理- 3小时

CST230网络基础- 3小时

CDS244网络安全- 3小时

CST280数据库- 3小时

CST285电子表格和分析- 3小时

FIN301商业金融- 3小时

CST412 IT项目管理- 3小时

计算机科学研究- 3小时

实习- 3小时

MGT495组织策略- 3小时


浓度:无人驾驶 飞机系统

UAS150介绍UAS技术和许可- 3小时

UAS225 UAS摄影和摄像- 3小时

DMD230数字视频I - 3小时

CST301高级编程概念- 3小时

信息系统管理- 3小时

UAS350高级飞行操作- 3小时

总计. – 18个小时

总BS小时= 127-135

This is a sample course sequence to illustrate course offerings for this major. Consult the official Academic 公告 for detailed registration and advising information.


无人机系统技术及授权简介(UAS150) – This course allows students to explore UAS (Unmanned 飞机系统) Technology and Licensing requirements. 课程内容包括:无人机操作规则, 航空天气, 空域分类, 安全程序, 飞行操作, 维护, photography basics and sectional chart reading in preparation for the FAA Part 107 Remote Pilot Exam. This course will includes hands on flying with real UAS platforms operating under Part 107 pilots to learn basic maneuvers and operations of UAS platforms. This course is conducted by qualified UAS flight trainers and Part 107 UAS pilots with several years experience.

无人机摄影及录像(UAS225) ——在这门课上, students will understand the principles behind UAS photography and videography and the many factors that contribute to creating an acceptable final product. Students will examine camera controls and settings on a UAS in this course, as well as master 亲自动手的 flight methods that will result in industry acceptable aerial images and films. To show distinct capabilities, UAS cameras will be compared by resolution, sensors, and settings. Participants will also be introduced to various photo and video editing platforms used in the industry.

高级飞行操作(UAS350) -本课程将为学生提供基于场景的课程, 亲自动手的, and precise flying instruction designed to improve piloting abilities and prepare students to operate in practically any UAS situation. 学生将了解设备, 工具, and strategies needed to ensure that their UAS program meets the mission objectives. 在实际飞行操作中, 学生将获得操作员维护经验, 复合材料, 电池系统, 通信和仪表系统, 索具和装配, UAS组件故障排除.


在校园 – Offered in a 15-week semester format with start dates of January and August



The drone industry is expected to grow at 15% CAGR (Continued Annual Growth Rate) over the next five years. The Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems 国际 predicts that there will be more than 100,到2025年,美国将在无人机技术领域创造1万个新工作岗位. 毫无疑问, 随着更先进的无人机不断进入市场, 熟练的无人机操作员将受到高度追捧.

  • 航空/野外测绘(GIS)
  • 农业
  • 摄影/摄像
  • 救灾
  • 环境研究
  • 检查(手机信号塔、桥梁、电线、风车等.)
  • 公共安全(消防/执法/紧急医疗服务)
  • 监测
  • 电影制作
  • 地质测量
  • 包裹递送
  • 搜寻及救援
  • 野生动物监测

